TerribleHack 2025:
AI (Artificial Ignorance)
An event for making bad ideas a reality. April 26, 2025.
Made possible by and Creative Code Toronto
Made possible by and Creative Code Toronto
Most hackathons are about coming up with innovative new ideas and making plausible startup prototypes. This one is different. This one is about making terrible hacks! Take some time to make your bad ideas a reality.
We have a long history of TerribleHack shenanigans, both in person and virtual!
Read about TerribleHack's history
This year, InterAccess will be hosting TerribleHack! It will be on Saturday April 26 from 11am to 6pm. InterAccess is a gallery and studio that also graciously hosts Creative Code Toronto events. TerribleHack will happen at their space on 32 Lisgar Street, Units 4 & 5, Toronto. Check out their gallery while you're at the event!
InterAccess opens at 11am. From then until the evening, the space will be open for you to work on a project! Feel free to show up with teammates if you have them, or just on your own. In the late afternoon and evening, take a turn at the projector to demo your work!
TerribleHack started in 2015 by students at the University of Waterloo, eager to temporarily break away from the pressure and professionalism of traditional hackathons.
Now, Creative Code Toronto has taken up the torch. Creative Code Toronto hosts monthly meetups for people using code as a creative medium, including casual work sessions and talks. TerribleHack is an opportunity to explore the less serious side of code!
What sorts of projects do people make at TerribleHack? Here are some of our favourites from past events!
Take a look at past demos on YouTube or one of our many old Devposts for more inspiration. You can also read about the event's history, which is also pretty dank.
Creative Code Toronto - InterAccess - Code of Conduct - History